Another app for my IPhone that I use quite a bit is My Lists.
This app lets you create lists for just about anything. I use it for lists for the different grocery stores we frequent (Safeway, Costco, Target, Walmart, etc) all the time.
I'm a natural list-maker so anytime I get lists of items I need to remember, I take a few moments and create a list in this app to help me remember. I'm then able to "let it go" and get on with my day.
I really love using this app when preparing for a trip out of town. With two dogs, one cat and needs for both my husband and myself, even a simple trip out of town requires remembering quite a few things. As I think of items, I add them to my trip list. And every trip we prepare for takes less time to prepare the list as the app stores my previous lists (until

There is room to enter additional notes for an item on a list. This is helpful when there are additonal details I need to remember for that item or a particular store I need to purchase that item at.
You can email any list to any email address so that is helpful when I want to send a list to the husband :)
I also like all the fun little icons you can choose to appear next to your lists.
Overall, great app and well worth the $1.99 price.